EULAR 2024 | congress bursaries

Every year EULAR awards bursaries to presenting authors of abstracts selected as oral presentation, poster tour and poster view to the EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology to facilitate attendance to the event.

Bursary winners of abstracts selected for oral presentation, poster tour and poster displays will receive:

  •  Complimentary registration to the EULAR 2024 Congress, including on-demand access until 31 December 2024.

  • Three nights’ accommodation (single occupancy) in a hotel in Vienna organised by EULAR Events.

  • A one-off bank transfer of €350 for travel and living expenses (to be transferred after the congress).

Application terms and conditions:

  • Only the presenting authors of submitted abstracts can apply for bursaries.

  • Authors presenting a case report are NOT eligible for travel bursaries.

  • Bursaries are strictly non-transferrable to co-authors and must be used in the year they are awarded.

  • Applicants must be under 40 years old for clinical, basic and PAED abstracts. There is no age limit for HPR or PARE/Patients applying for bursaries.

  • The applicant must not have received any financial funding from industry sources.

NOTE: If you are offered a bursary, you must accept by the 15 April 2024, or we will offer the bursary to another applicant.

Required application documents 

  • A motivational letter stating the reasons for applying and how your presence at the Congress would positively impact your professional life.

  • A CV with the your name, affiliations, educational background, employment history and current position as well as your affiliations, date of birth, contact details and citizenship (max. one A4 page).

  • For Clinical, Basic and PAED Abstracts, a publication list with your most recent research project(s) (max. one A4 page)

    Please submit these documents through the Bursary Application button on the EULAR Congress system.

Please note that priority is given to accepted abstracts for oral or poster tour presentation. The cash amount of the travel bursary will only be processed and fully paid after the Congress live days, and only to the eligible individual. Our registration team will check if the awardee indeed attended the congress in Vienna.

Applications should be submitted via the electronic application system. Deadline: 31 January 2024.

Important information

Please apply for a travel bursary as soon as you have submitted your abstract – but note that this is a separate process and requires a separate application to be made! Application link can be found only in the presenting authors' congress account.

*Deadlines apply at 23.59 CET/CEST!